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The Ministry of Education have seven key principles that guide effective reporting and information sharing:

1. Ako (describes the teaching and learning relationship)

2. Focus and coverage (of learning across the curriculum)

3. Foundations for learning (progress and achievement in literacy, numeracy, key competencies and ‘learning-to-learn’ skills)

4. Student responsibility (to understand what they have learnt and what they need to focus on next)

5. Motivation (to understand and be involved in their own learning)

6. Technologies (to see the learning process and progress in real time)

7. Checking in with parents (so parents can understand where their child's learning is at and engage in supporting and encouraging them)

To enable this at our school we have chosen to implement the Seesaw Journal Learning App. This provides for:

● The mobile ability to see student learning in real time.

● Your child ownership of their learning

● The ability to interact and reply to comments made by your child and your child's teacher, in real time, around their learning.


MOE - Principles of effective reporting and information sharing

Click here to learn more about Seesaw

Click here to view - Seesaw at Lake Tekapo School - A Guide for Parents.

We welcome informal discussions about your child’s progress at any stage.

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Lake Tekapo School, Aorangi Crescent, Lake Tekapo, 7945, New Zealand     03 680 6816  / 027-374 8734

Principal             Simon Waymouth
Office                 +64 3 680 6816 or 027 374 8734

Address              Aorangi Crescent, PO Box 15, Lake Tekapo



Term 1 2024: Wednesday 31st January -Friday 12th April 

Term 2 2024: Monday 29th May - Friday 5th July

Term 3 2024: Monday 22nd July - Friday 27th September

Term 4 2024: Monday 14th October - Tuesday 17 December

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